Lights-ON Wilmington Strong Helps Communities of Promise
The HELP Initiative and West Side Grows Together are partnering to pilot a crime prevention strategy in Wilmington called Lights-ON Wilmington Strong. Working with public safety officials and community organizations, West Side Grows Together has identified 500 locations consisting of residences and businesses, in an area that has consistently had higher crime and poorly lit streets. Via a door-to-door volunteer effort, these properties will receive energy-efficient LED lights for their front porches and solar-powered LED motion-sensor floodlights for their backyards. Additionally, thanks to funding through the Neighborhood Building Blocks Fund, 25 local businesses along the Fourth Street corridor will receive up to $1,800 to install security cameras and additional lighting from Union Street to Jackson Street. The HELP Initiative has successfully implemented the Lights-ON Campaign in Dover, Seaford and Milford and is currently working with West Side Grows Together to implement Phase 1 in the Wilmington area and with the Town of Laurel to implement the Phase 1 Lights-ON Campaign.