Delaware Strong

Here’s how the Health-ON Delaware Strong property inspection/evaluation program works. Based on the premise that where you live matters to your health, occupants who participate in the program allow a designated inspector into their home to assess and prioritize any health hazards found. Using the Healthy Homes Rating System (HHRS) developed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), inspectors look for up to 29 hazards and assess their impact on occupants (i.e., “the effect of the defect”) as well as identify who in the household is most vulnerable to the defects.
The 29 hazards:
- Dampness and Surface Damage
- Excess cold
- Excess heat
- Asbestos, silica and man-made mineral fibers
- Biocides, chemicals, pesticides and rodenticides
- Carbon monoxide and fuel combustion products
- Lead
- Radon gas or radon in water
- Uncombusted fuel gas
- Volatile organic chemicals (VOCs)
- Crowding or space issues
- Risk of entry by intruders
- Inadequate lighting
- Noise inside the dwelling
- Domestic hygiene, pests and refuse
- Food safety, threat of infection
- Personal hygiene, sanitation and drainage
- Quality of water supply
- Falls associated with bath or shower
- Falls on level surfaces
- Falls on stairs
- Falls between levels
- Electrical hazards
- Fire risk, exposure to smoke
- Flames, hot surfaces and burn risk
- Collision and entrapment
- Risk of explosion
- Position and operability of amenities
- Structural collapse and falling elements

The goals of the Health-ON Delaware Strong program are to:
- Perform an HHRS assessment to determine home hazards and home performance deficiencies that could be referred to other HELP Initiative programs (e.g., Weatherization) for remediation
- Install health and safety measures in the residential dwelling
- Build community trust within the target area by directly engaging households around healthy homes, energy efficiency and public safety
- Recommend healthy home-energy performance solutions as well as health and safety best practices
- Educate and counsel occupants about program resources offered by the state of Delaware to improve quality of life, via a Delaware health and energy services directory

The HELP Initiative’s Health and Safety Workshops are interactive—offered in group settings—and last about one hour. Tailored to the attendees, the workshops provide:
- Health and safety education
- DIY tips to avoid home hazards and improve quality of life
- An overview of the available financial support programs in the state
- Replacement or repair of inefficient or unsafe heaters
- Information on LIHEAP (Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program)
- Information on Delaware’s Weatherization Assistance Program

Healthy Homes Assessments
The energy advisor who conducts the assessments for clients’ homes is certified by the Building Performance Institute (BPI) and the HHRS. The advisor will:
- Explain the Health-ON Delaware Strong program and assessment process
- Provide an explanation of the 29 healthy home hazards
- Provide one-on-one client education on healthy home upgrade opportunities
- Identify any health and safety barriers and make appropriate recommendations
- Educate clients on applicable energy-efficiency and/or financing programs that are available in the state to increase statewide program adoption
- Provide emailed or printed energy-efficiency and healthy home recommendations and installation summary
Contact Us
Are you interested in participating in or learning more about the Health-ON Delaware Strong program? Simply complete the form below, and we will respond quickly. Or contact our call center Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., to speak with a knowledgeable representative who can provide you with full program details, qualifications and eligibility criteria, and income requirements.
Call 833-888-0410 or 302-672-0778.